Recovery' Settings button > uncheck 'Automatically restart' under XP: Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced tab > 'Start and Reboots: You can stop the reboot to see the specific error. If your game 'blue-screens' (BSOD - blue screen of death) and Inadequate for supplying the required current for certain parts For example, your PC's power supply might be Off while playing STALKER, you probably are exceeding some system If you find your PC shutting down unexpectedly, completely turning Is NOT the same thing see the next section.) If your PC is shutting down or displaying a BSOD, that is more The ZRP has quick-named-saveĪnd safe-quicksave features that can be used for this purpose. The best way ofĭealing with these CTDs is to save your game often, and Normally called 'Crash to Desktop' or CTD. STALKER still has a lot of issues that cause the game to exit, Metacognix - Crashes in the STALKER-SoC Game Crashes in SoC